21 Nisan 2013 Pazar

Ne Diyorsun Aldo Palazzeschi ??

“Don’t you know what god is? God is everything and God is nothing; for the perfection created by man cannot be anything other than nothing. They decided to give a name to nothingness, and thereby they made it become something. Like you… God, who is nothing, can no longer be nothing since he is God. You could be a god for men. They need to give a body to nothingness so that nothingness can be seen and touched-at least with the imagination.”   Aldo Palazzeschi (1885 – 1974 yılları arasında yaşamış, İtalyan yazar-şair)

Bu yazıyı Türkçe’ye çevirmeyi doğru bulmadım, İngilizce’sini anlamayanlardan çok özür dilerim, öyle tahmin ediyorum ki bu bir daha olmayacak.

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